Title: The Gentle Hearts
Genre: Romance/ Moral
The story starts with Majula who is the daughter of a rich man got married to Nageswara. Later, they were blessed with three children, one of them was Rama Roa. This’s a beautiful story of two lovely individuals which revolves around various emotions, Rao and Madhu who were doctors and were in the same college. Rama was senior to Madhu and their first meet was rememberable. They both are on a mission to serve the needy. Will they be able to serve them ?
The Gentle Hearts is a romantic read which will be felt by every lover, more or less. The author has given importance to several relationships what was admiring and heartfelt. It was like watching a romantic movie, this book can be perfectly made as a movie. Some bonds can’t be defined in words and one is of father- daughter duo, the author has penned it beautifully. It’s a moral based read too. Helping the less fortunate ones should be on your priority list ! It further inculcate the importance and true impact of doctors and physicians existing in this world.
The language is simple and easy to understand. The author has talked about various emotions like love, sadness, smiles, obstacles and what not, all are the part of every individual. The cover is beautiful, gives a lovely look. The title is mesmerising and compliments the story. This is a beautiful read for any age group. It proves that humanity still exists, it’s not vanished and one can feel it at some point or the other in her/his life. This book is a real moral based read, my favourite character is Madhu though all the other characters were engaging and had equal importance in this book.
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Review By Walk With A Book.