Title: At The Court Of Broken Dreams
Genre: Fiction
This book is written with a pinch of historical Game of Thrones like atmosphere. The novel revolves around Eddie De-la-Pole, who emerges as a younger son characterized by both wit and bisexuality, while being deeply influenced by his formidable Beloved Mother. The story delves into the complexities of Eddie's relationships, particularly his bromance with the brother of the Yorkist queen.
The plot thickens as the vain queen intervenes, creating a rift that forces Eddie to confront a challenging choice between his cherished friend and the Richard, Duke of Gloucester, whose rising influence shapes the dynastic landscape. The author masterfully weaves themes of love and war against the backdrop of medieval intrigue. The author skilfully unravels the secrets and motivations surrounding this character, providing a layer of depth and unpredictability to the overarching story.
This book promises readers not only a tale of courtly dynamics but also a nuanced exploration of personal dilemmas, political machines, and the ever-present era of war. The author invites readers to immerse themselves in the complexities of this medieval drama, prompting them to ponder questions of loyalty, love, and destiny in a world where dreams can be shattered and rebuilt amidst the tumultuous currents of history. The language is not that simple, I would recommend this book to young people. The cover is nice with a nice storyline. Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.