Title: Manly Enough
Author: Priyanka
Genre: Fiction
The story revolves around three teenagers, Ripu, Kartik and Pallavi who went through no one should go through. All of them went through the terrible and horrible childhood, what childhood means to them is the opposite of what it is.
We always hear women being raped by men but men are too being raped, yes that’s true. This book is very emotional, will leave you with tears, harsh reality of society is portrayed by the author.
This book talks about the issues that are overlooked by the common people, mental health remains on the top followed by anxiety and so on.
A heart wrenching read of three teenagers. What did they do ? How ? Their feelings ? and what not. The language is simple and easy to understand. The writing style is simple. The beginners should definitely give it a try. The cover quality is amazing.
Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.