Title: Long Forgotten
Genre: Thriller
"Long Forgotten" is a gripping thriller that delves into the complex interplay between technology, past secrets, and personal demons. The story follows Rico Darburg, a successful figure in Berlin's media landscape, who seemingly has it all. However, beneath the veneer of success, Rico battles with doubts, fears, and guilt stemming from a falling out with his school friend Melanie over a successful computer game they created years ago.
The narrative oscillates between Rico's present and past, unveiling the history of his strained friendship with Melanie and their shared creation of a groundbreaking computer game in the 1990s. The tension escalates as Rico's latest technological innovation, TRIMENTED REALITY, captures global attention, allowing thoughts and emotions to be visualized in augmented reality experiences.
Amid the excitement over TRIMENTED REALITY's launch, Rico's world begins to unravel when a student unearths the old program code of the game he and Melanie had created. Through this discovery, the long-forgotten secrets resurface, offering a tantalizing glimpse into what Melanie had left behind before her mysterious disappearance years ago.
The book navigates the ethical dilemmas posed by the merging of biological and technological elements in TRIMENTED REALITY, drawing in investors and sparking protests from civil rights activists. Rico's journey becomes a struggle not only with external forces but also with his inner turmoil as he confronts the ghosts of his past.
The author deftly weaves a tapestry of suspense and intrigue, masterfully balancing Rico's personal growth and the suspenseful unraveling of the mystery surrounding Melanie's vanishing. The narrative's shifts between the past and present create a sense of anticipation, gradually revealing the connections between the characters and events.
"Long Forgotten" is an engaging thriller that explores the consequences of past decisions and the transformative power of technology. The novel artfully merges the psychological complexity of its characters with a fast-paced plot, leaving readers on the edge of their seats until the final page. With its blend of technological innovation, personal redemption, and a captivating mystery, the book provides a thought-provoking and thrilling reading experience.
Review By Walk With A Book.