Title: The Temporary Wife
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Some fairytales do exist !
This book starts with a glass of wine and revolves around Liesel and Atlas, where Liesel with a chronic autoimmune disease, embarks on an unexpected journey marrying with the initially reluctant prince, Atlas when Liesel’s father is dying wish for her safety and happiness.
The imaginative backdrop of Everwood, a wine town adorned with Callahan Vineyards, sets the stage for Liesel and Atlas's union. Her magical interventions pave the way for the evolution of their relationship, transcending the initial hurdles. The promise of 'happily ever after' takes an unconventional route, enriched by the touch of magic and the resilience of love.
Her grandmother’s character was nicely portrayed adding the depth to the story. The story was interesting and magnificent. It was a beautiful blend of romance with magical elements. Love’s transformative powers are beautiful portrayed and experienced. The cover is perfect with an eye- catching title. Don’t miss this book, go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.