Title: The Magic Of Terra
Genre: Fiction
This is the second book of the series that takes readers on a different journey through another world - Terra, where space exploration and inequality reign supreme. This book is filled with adventure, mystery, and the supernatural powers. The story revolves around Terra, a parallel Earth where humanity has advanced into space exploration but has also spiraled into deep social inequality. As they delve deeper into Terra's intricate web of politics and power struggles, they uncover the truth about the world they inhabit and the forces at play behind its façade.
I liked the intense revelation of societal divides and the consequences of lacked power. The young girl with extraordinary abilities and her journey of self-discovery and empowerment serves as a main theme of the story. The portrayal of magic and the supernatural drawing upon the elements of fantasy and science fiction, the book blends these genres to create a unique and captivating world. The language of this book is not that simple, I would recommend this book to the readers above 16 years of age. The cover is apt with an interesting title. Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.