Title: Blue Lotus Lily (New Edition)
Genre: Fiction
This novel is a perfect nique blend of fantasy, time-travel, and romance. The story revolves around Evelyn Lia Fierra (Evi), who appears to be a regular college student in 2007, but she is actually a time-traveling elf with the ability to change her appearance and travel through different eras. Her world is filled with magic, secrets, and ancient mysteries. The story starts with Evi living on a haunted estate, using her powers to search for treasures and solve puzzles with the help of her fairy friend, Liam. Her primary quest, however, is more personal: to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of the elf kingdom she comes from and find out what happened to her mother, the elf queen. This event is tied to a magical explosion, which sealed off the kingdom.
The story takes an intriguing turn when Evi discovers a clue that might lead her to the Triumvirate, a secret society believed to have caused the downfall of her people. This search becomes dangerous when she crosses paths with a Soulstealer, an ultimate evil being. As she uncovers ancient secrets, she also finds herself entangled in romance, which adds emotional depth to the story but may also lead to her destruction.
The novel weaves together elements of adventure, mystery, and romantic tension. Evi’s journey is not just about solving historical puzzles but also about protecting her identity, staying alive, and understanding her place in a world full of magical forces. The game of cat and mouse with powerful enemies keeps the suspense high, while her internal struggle with love and identity makes her a relatable character. This is a perfect read for the lovers of fiction novels. Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.