Title: The Lost Expedition
Genre: Fiction
This novel is part of The Indian Hero series, following Izak Kaurben’s thrilling adventures. After his exploits in Relic (The Indian Hero #1), Izak Kaurben hopes for a peaceful vacation in Croatia. However, his plans are interrupted when Chief Inspector Josip Goran involves him in an audacious mission. Goran seeks Kaurben’s help to ambush a prisoner transport van and free a Senegalese gangster. The gangster holds crucial knowledge about an old Russian fishing vessel, which hides evidence vital to Goran’s deeply personal case.
As the duo chases leads, the journey takes them from Croatia to Mauritania’s ship graveyard, the Archivo General de Indias in Spain, and the Caribbean. Along the way, they face dangerous adversaries while unraveling the ship’s true secret — a hidden treasure that could rewrite history.
The author has explored the themes of mystery and adventure, friendship and trust, treasure and legacy, and many more. The detailed descriptions of Mauritania’s haunting ship graveyard and the historic Archivo General de Indias transport readers to exciting locales. The quest’s unexpected challenges and the ship’s hidden secret keep readers hooked. Izak Kaurben continues to shine as a relatable, resourceful hero navigating dangerous situations with wit and courage. Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.