Author: Abhijeet
Genre: Non- fiction
Neuroscience: any or all of the sciences, such as neurochemistry and experimental psychology, which deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain.
This book is a masterpiece of brain. The author has beautifully explained each and every part of brain in detail. Photographs and diagrams made the understanding more interesting and logical. The language is simple and easy to understand but not recommended to the beginners as this book is based on the scientific concepts. This book is highly recommended to the science students and the students who are appearing or who are planning to appear for the MBBS degree. It is very interesting to understand and to learn new concepts about our brain which most of us are unaware of.. I been from arts background was very curious to learn about brain and I literally learned a lot a lot.
Sometimes the things most worth doing can cost us our lives. Craig Leibfreid finds this out first hand in the adventure-memoir RIVER CLASS. Whether at the hands of the river, or by psychedelic drugs, Craig goes through life wide-eyed and white-knuckled searching for that someone who can tame him.
After graduating high school, Craig begins experimenting with psychedelic drugs, and around that time he falls in love with long-time friend, Natalie. They take a vacation to Great Britain together, but after their return, Craig and Natalie part ways as they attend separate colleges. Craig begins searching for the next high. Before long, Craig experiences the sport of whitewater kayaking and is hooked for
life. After a near-death experience on the river, Craig becomes president of the Whitewater Paddling Club of West Virginia University. There he meets Katie Jones, a black-haired beauty from West Virginia, and takes Craig for a ride that almost costs him his life.
The cover of this book is simple and sober the title is different from the rest the rest and the language used by the author is simple and easy to understand.
Rating:: 10/10
Review By Walk With A Book.