Title: The Curse of Kukkutarma
Genre: Historical Fiction
This is a fictional read which will take you to an imaginative world with the strong power of buildings.
The book revolves around a prodigy who is now a grown up scientist who creates Atitayā́n, I wanted it while reading but sadly it’s fiction. Lol. It’s basically a machine which travels to the past.
He wanted to see the Kurukshetra War but due to technical glitch, he travels to the future that to be 100 years later. What happens next ? Past or future ? Who will rescue him ?
This is a historical read which talks about Indus Valley Civilisation and Mohenjo-daro also, later he meets Tanya and a scientist who helps him to get out of the situation.
Worth reading book. The climax will roll you in some other world. I loved the characterisation with a unique plot. I am not much into reading historical fiction but this book had a different path with different attributes.
Go and read now !!
Rating: 10/10✨
Review By Walk With A Book.