Title: The Struggle to Be Real
Genre: Non- fiction
This is a fantastic self help book that every woman should read because it foster the development and improve the overall mind set of an individual dealing with societal pressures.
The book further delves into the challenges that women face in their quest for perfection and the toll this can take on their connection with their authentic selves. The author had written everything from her own experiences, everything she went through to really find herself. She is an inspiration for everyone who fails to recognise herself.
The author presented a well-rounded guide for women from all walks of life to dig deep within themselves and embrace their unapologetically authentic selves. It’s important for every woman to break and fold the societal norms that are distorting your mental peace.
The language is simple and easy to understand. It’s a short read and will inspire you from top to the bottom. The cover is beautiful with author’s photograph and the title is to the point, gives the basic idea of the genre. This book should be read but every woman.
Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.