Title: Billy and the Sparkling Socks: Volume 1 (The Rainbow School)
Genre: Fiction
It’s a beautiful read about Aspergers, their obstacles and their will to change the perspective of looking at situations, really an inspiring read !
The story revolves around two siblings, Billy and Casper who are trying to prove themselves better. Billy is annoyed and fed up with his brother Casper who always brags being better at school and home. Later, Billy comes forward with a magical pair of socks, he believes that because of the socks he’s able to save a cat and be better at things but that’s not the truth. How did he overcome the fears and boosted his confidence ? That’s what the story is more about.
The illustrations are beautiful. A slow read for kids but a quick read for adults. The language is simple and easy to understand. The narration is straight forward and it made the story damn interesting. Never ever judge anyone, especially Aspies. This is such a positive and a thought provoking read.
I would recommend this book to every reader as it’s a beautiful and a short read written in a very simple language. The cover is vibrant and will attract your attention at the first place.
Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.