Title: The Day After
Genre: Dystopian
This is the second book of the series and the story revolves around a brave new heroine, 14-year-old Shelby Frances O’Leary, who brings a fresh perspective and youthful determination to the story taking forward. She can be related with a lot of youngsters’ perspective. Michael Stevenson remains a central figure, dealing the struggle required to survive in such a hostile environment, I liked him more as a character in the first book. This book talks about the after effects of a global catastrophe known as The Vanishing, where the majority of the human population mysteriously disappears. The story centers on Michael Stevenson and his family as they navigate a new world teeming with strange, predatory creatures.
The author continues the story of the first book, exploring the journey of survival and discovery. The main themes revolve around survival, human resilience, and the concept of humanity as a virus. The protagonist, Michael, faces an existential threat not just from the creatures around him but from the world itself, which seems to view humanity as a destructive force. The writing style is better in this part, all the complexities have been nicely portrayed. I would recommend this book to the lovers of dystopian saga. The language is not that simple, the cover is magnificent with an appropriate title.
Go and order your copy now !
Review By Walk With A Book.